七夕将至 千万不要对剩女说这些话(双语)
1. 你有对象了吗?So, are you dating anyone?2. 多久没约会了?When was the last time you went on a date?3. 你孤单寂寞吗?Do you ever get lonely?4. 我帮你介绍个人啊?Can I set you up?5. 你是不是太挑了?Are you being too picky?6. 朋友们都成家了,你不闹心吗?Does it bother you that most of your friends are married?7. 我什么时候才能看到你结婚生子?When can I expect grandchildren/nieces/nephews out of you?8. 那谁谁谁呢?你不是一直和他在一起吗?What about _____, wasn’t that who you dated for a while?9. 你就是现实版的凯莉·布莱德肖,在欲望都市里叱咤风云,不是吗?You’re like a modern Carrie Bradshaw, aren’t you?!10. (在别人婚礼上)你会是下一个新娘吗?Are you next?” —people at weddings11. 单身不是挺开心的吗?!Isn’t it so fun being single though?!12. 你父母什么时候结的婚?When did your parents get married?
{:1_635:}{:1_635:} 嗯就是 嗯就是 嗯就是 嗯就是 嗯就是 嗯就是